“Felix The Cat” Paul Whiteman Orchestra 1928

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Columbia 1478-D "Potato Head" label


“Felix The Cat”
Paul Whiteman And His Orchestra; Austin Young, vocal
(Columbia 1478 D mx 146334)          May 25, 1928


Here’s a cute recording that I had been wanting to add to Radio Dismuke’s playlist for a while and found in the late Eddie Mitchell’s record collection.  The song was inspired by the Felix The Cat animated cartoons that were played before the main feature in 1920s-era movie theaters.

This was recorded the same month that Paul Whiteman switched his recording affiliation from Victor to Columbia.  Luring away one of arch-rival Victor’s top artists was a big coup for Columbia which went all-out in terms of publicity.  This included creating a colorful new label specifically for Paul Whiteman’s records.  Collectors refer to this label as the “potato head label,” a reference to its caricature of Whiteman’s face.

At 1:36 into the recording, you can hear the first of two solo passages by cornetist Bix Beiderbecke.  Immediately after the vocal, you can hear a solo by Frankie Trumbauer playing the C-melody saxophone.  During this period the Whiteman band had about 26 musicians, not counting its vocal artists – large even for the era.


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